What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
Yeah. Before COVID we would go to Chef Adrianne's and Cracked, which is another one of her restaurants. Apizza Brooklyn is one of our favorites as well. We would go to the Brick every week before COVID. We really don't go out very much, especially with the baby now. I can't wait to go back to the restaurants and eating food the way that it was supposed to be plated.
A pizza Brooklyn, Anecdote, Camp Owaissa Bauer, Chef Adrian's, Feeding South Florida, Red Fish Grill, The Brick, ...
What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
Plant is great, and Sacred Space. I also love Planta Queen. Mamey is great. My favorite restaurant ever is El Rey de Las Frita on 8th street. It's like original Miami Cuban food. We love Super Subs Etc. On Bird Road.