Alex And Danielle
What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
Alex: We like Asian and Japanese in particular, Matsuri is our go to for sushi. Also, Wabi Sabi, which is a little bit more north, closer to my office, is not very well known but has great Japanese. Danielle: For Italian, I like Sapore Di Mare in Coconut grove and Kyu in Wynwood for Asian, and Mandolin for Greek.
AIPIC, Cauley Square, Chabad in the Grove, Kampong, Keez Beez, Kyu, Mandolin, ...
What local restaurants or businesses do you recommend?
Going Bananas. If you're a farmer down here, you know them. I went there in the middle of the pandemic. They weren't actually open, but I ended up getting a hold of them and it was only a tiny order of three plants. I ended up chatting with her and the level of which she interacted with me and shared her knowledge and her passion for what they do was a stoke, the same as you guys.