Jacque Stewart
In what part of town do you live?
In Kendall, my whole life – Born and raised.
Would you share a little bit about your experience growing up in Miami?
We’re a passionate community. We’re such a melting pot of different backgrounds. Since I wasn’t really bilingual, like most of our community here, I always felt like an outsider. As I grew older, I picked up a little bit of the Spanish language and really embraced the culture of Miami. Now, I can communicate and get my point across. Also, I love the weather. I love to be able to go to the beach anytime I want throughout the year.
Would you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I just started a new job as an event coordinator and video content creator for a marketing firm. And, I work with Nutsola at the Pinecrest farmer’s market. Before that, I was a personal assistant. That’s where I got to know LNB Grovestand. I was sent out by my boss to pick up some special turmeric tonics she ordered, and then I became a regular customer. I was just so curious about those orders, and then I got hooked on them too. Then I realized you offer so much more than just the Turmeric, and I became a lover of the rainbow smoothies.
How do you use the turmeric tonic?
I would usually just drink in the morning, when I got up, but then I started kind of drinking it throughout the day. Your turmeric was the first time I’ve ever tried turmeric. It was an acquired taste in the beginning, but then I got hooked on it. It just makes you feel so good. Now, I really enjoy the taste.
You mentioned that you’re now doing some video content production, what kind of things are you making?
I’ve always wanted to make a difference in the community, particularly in our local, small business community. My passion grew from working at the farmer’s market and seeing how important it is to support your locals. We really work hard and we’re truly passionate about what we sell and create. I started creating video content for nonprofit organizations and small businesses to help them connect with the community and try to make a difference in a bigger way.
Have you hit on any content that seems to be resonating with people?
Oh yeah. Especially when it comes to nonprofit organizations. I feel like all of us want to support each other. For example, the Everglades Outpost is a great nonprofit organization that we’ve worked with. We’re showcasing videos of how people can visit their sanctuary and I think that video stands out in terms of getting people’s attention.
We got to know you first as a client, and then as a fellow vendor at the Pinecrest market. How did you end up becoming a vendor?
I met Adam who owns Nutsola and he was thinking of moving to Miami and wanted to get to know the local farmer’s markets in the area. I offered to help him get started at Pinecrest and just totally grew to love it and get to know the vendors. I had no sales experience whatsoever, but Adam took me under his wing and showed me how it works.
What have you learned about sales?
I learned that it’s not about making sales. It’s about making connections with people, getting to know someone and listening to them if they like our product. And if not, we can still build a connection.
You’ve been coming to our new drive through store. What’s it like for you? What are you getting?
I love arriving and seeing a line of all your supporters. I think it’s special how much the community loves you. Your products are the real deal. You can never drive away with just one thing. Aside from getting Rainbow Smoothies, sometimes I’ll order a Turmeric concentrate. Recently, I have become crazy over your Turmeric Hearts. I also like seeing your display of other vendors and friend’s products like Frice Cream and Counterculture Kombucha. I’ll order some of those too. I recently picked up some jackfruit, which I started using in smoothies. Adena convinced me to buy some Longans because of her videos on social media showcasing what they were. Without the videos, I would not have looked into them because they were foreign to me. Her videos are so intriguing.
What restaurants or stores have you been supporting during all of the closures?
I love Bangkok City on Bird Road – it is a tiny sushi restaurant. It’s a small family restaurant and I always feel welcome there and they have such great sushi. I support Brewing Buddha cafe, the art house coffee shop. The owners are wonderful. I’ve actually run into them at the farmer’s market before. Supporting small businesses seems more important now than ever.
What restaurants are you looking forward to going back to?
I really love Chef Adrian’s.
What’s Miami’s best kept secret?
Aside from your drive through, the Everglades Outpost. If you love animals, it is a really wonderful sanctuary to visit and it’s a great getaway from the city. Bob and Barbara own the outpost, and live on the facility and they have a heart of gold. They have never turned down a rescue.
What is a worthy splurge for you?
A summer trip to the keys.
What’s a fun rainy day activity?
I love to watch old Turner classic movies. I really love old films, especially anything with Betty Davis or Judy Garland. I love to say indoors and just watch old movies.
Where’s the most romantic spot in Miami?
Biscayne overlooking Brickell at night. Wine tucked away in a picnic basket, with a blanket laid out on the sand, and music in the background. That’s pretty romantic to me.
What community events or groups are important to you that you might like to promote or share?
The Friendship Circle. They’re a small, wonderful organization that caters to the special needs of Miami.
Would you like to share a pitch or about one of the projects you’re working on?
I focus on community events for nonprofit organizations and small businesses. I create video content for small businesses to use on their social media. I think every business is special in its own way, and I want people to see all that they can offer. In video form, that’s so fun to do. I stay true to their brand and I enjoy even more how happy each client is when they see the final product.
Is there a question that you would you like to ask us?
(JS) I really love reading all of these newsletters and interviews each week. I think it would be a great idea if you turned it into a book with all of the past interview archives, kind of like Humans of New York, but instead, a South Florida version. I can see it in local bookstores like Books and Books. What are your thoughts on that?
(A+W) Sounds great!
Do you have a challenge that you might like to pose to the community?
Shop and support local. Our Miami community is incredibly diverse and we all offer so many special talents. We can only have a stronger bond if we all support each other.
Is there anything else that I have not asked or questions that you have?
(JS) When will you have more Longans?
(A+W) This weekend!
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