
Andrew Giambarba

Where do you live?

Coral Gables

How long have you lived in the area? 

Been in South Florida since 1993

Where are you originally from and what brought you to town?

Originally from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, but lived for many years in different parts of South America. When I moved back to the States, I still needed to travel frequently to South America, so Miami was the perfect location.

Please share about what you do for a livelihood or what keeps you busy during the week?

I run the Miami office for a great company called Insurance Office of America. We help businesses manage risk.       

How often do you come to the market?

As often as I can – at least a couple of times a month.

Do you have a market ritual? If so, please describe.

Absolutely! First stop is a smoothie at LNB, then a croissant from Zak the Baker, then I can leisurely walk and figure out what to buy and cook.

What’s your favorite thing to buy at LNB Grovestand and why?

I really love the smoothies, but I’ve tried so many types of bananas recently that have completely redefined what they should taste like.

What have you made with ingredients bought at LNB Grovestand?

I’ve made couscous with the turmeric tonic and I start every morning with some form of tropical fruit that I’ve bought there, either by itself or on Laurie’s Pantry Granola.

What’s your favorite thing to buy at other stands at the market?

I’m a big fan of Bee Heaven Farm and usually plan a few meals for the week, just based on what’s in season.

For parents: A favorite activity we enjoy with our kids?

No kidding, we LOVE to eat – whether at home, or out at one of the great Miami restaurants.

Most-frequented local restaurants and what dish to order:

The beauty of this question is how difficult it is to answer in Miami now. I’m a huge fan of the short rib green curry at Cake Thai, anything on the menu at Alter or Ghee or Edge. There are so many others I wish I could get to more. I’m extremely impressed by what Melissa Sosa is doing at the Zak the Baker Deli. And I doubt a month goes by that I haven’t visited Clive’s Café in Little Haiti.

For special occasions, I go to:

Alter in Wynwood. Chef Brad Kilgore is doing brilliant, brilliant food.

What’s the area’s best-kept secret?

I think the Midtown restaurant Proof and its chef, Justin Flit are one of Miami’s best kept secrets. As is Ariete in the Grove and Chef Michael Beltran.

A worthy splurge:

Dinner at NAOE. Both the food and the front of house experience are transcendent.

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